Returning employees from furlough tip #4 - ensure you have good quality return-to-work discussions

A quick tip today about returning people from furloughed leave is really about when they actually return.

Obviously prior to returning (hopefully) you've been having discussions with employees preparing them for the return but I think what's really important as well is, like any absence, whether that's due to sickness, furlough or maternity leave - any type of absence from the workplace is to have a good return-to-work discussion between the manager and the employee.

It gives you an opportunity to update the employee, make sure they're aware of what's happening. Anything that's happened in the organisation over the last few weeks or months - however long they've been away. Ensure they know any provisions that have been put in place, any specific things regarding risk assessments, etc for their job specifically.

It also gives the employee a chance to raise any concerns, and for you to address any concerns on that first day back to work. I realise that’s a time commitment, but it’s time well invested in avoiding future issues and avoiding some of the concerns that employees will inevitably have.

I hope that helps and as always we are here to help anf if you want to find out about workplace mediation just give us a call.


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