
    As mediators we deal with disputes constantly and one common thing we see is employers who jump straight into suspension whenever an employee is accused of something.

    In this blog I talk about my risk assessment approach to suspending employees and the useful change in guidance around suspending employees.



    When organisations are looking to drive positive cultural change, not many initiatives are more impactful than nipping employee issues in the bud and driving positive issue resolution.


    In this blog we explore the skills which nip issues in the bud and how so many companies can avoid the unnecessary time, cost and (most importantly) stress involved with formal grievances.



    Strategy is important, of course it is - but the practicalities of real life are so much more important. What’s the point of having some clever strategy when we don’t even understand the people or the culture?



    Is judicial ‘mediation’ really the right term for what it is or should it be called judicial conciliation? In this blog we discuss the difference and the challenges of a judge being effective in a non-judgemental role.


    Here at Pragmatism we don’t tend to conform to the usual marketing philosophy of “upsell, upsell, upsell” - if anything we do quite the opposite. In this blog, Pete explains some of the reasons why he doesn’t really see himself as a good businessman but prefers to adhere to some of the key elements within our ethos.



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  0333 987 5185


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